
New Blog - Same Writer

This blog will continue under Psyforce1.blogspot.com New Blog,new look, same writer.


A Viscious Circle

Why do most detectives and investigators start to sweat it when you mention you used your innate human psychic ability to provide them with new leads to the evidence?
It is not because they don’t believe you. Detectives and investigators like to see FACTs. And the FACT is that you come up with information you could not have obtained by any normal means of investigation with any of your normal five senses. And FACT is a FACT whether you like it or not.
But...even if the information is valuable they have to be very careful what they write in their report!

If they state that the information was presented to them by a psychic it could be causing trouble when the case goes to court. A psychic could be considered a questionable source with mixed results. And depending on the public opinion a psychic can be a helpful person or an entertaining carnival trick.
It is true, a psychic, medium or any other intuitive can not be a 100% right all the time. We are all human, we all make mistakes. In case of Psi it is usually the interpretation of the perceived that causes mistakes. But...a Fact is a Fact!

Another Fact is that due to a lot of negative publicity related to the word ‘Psychic’ simply entertaining, psychic parties and psychics who are misusing other peoples trust in their skills by taking advantage of the desperation of people. The word is now associated with negativity and deception. It is sad, really very sad that it has come this far.

I believe there should be a code of conduct for psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and counsellors. So that an ethical standard will be set and up held by those who practice this as a profession. For one there should be a rule that prevents the families of missing people from extortion by ‘so called psychics’.

It is truly shocking to hear that psychics have said to parents of a missing child...”If you pay me so many dollars...I will tell you where she is!” That is emotional torture and financial extortion! And that is simply disgusting! Those people should be punished!

A psychic should not approach a grieving family unless the family specifically asks for help. A psychic should not ask for payment in providing clues in criminal cases. It is every civilian’s duty to provide the police with any information they may have on a crime committed.

I believe that psychics, mediums and clairvoyants should volunteer to be tested so they can provide their clients with independent test results that give a fair and reasonable indication of accuracy.
Some people base important decisions on the advice of a psychic or medium, I think they should at least be given an indication on the average accuracy and the strong and weak points of the individual.

But like anything that has been largely ignored by today’s society, there will be no attention paid to this large group of people who practice as a psychic / medium and visit psychics and mediums on a regular basis. If it doesn’t exist officially, then we do not have to do anything about it. Stick our heads in the sand and we do not have a problem!

We do not want to use the word Psychic, because it leaves a bad taste in the mouth and you could be ridiculed in public. Still over 25% of the population have consulted a psychic or a medium. Police forces and intelligence agencies use and have used people’s psychic talents. Yet we seldom hear about it in public. Even they are aware of the fact that they have to be careful with the public opinion.
Would it hold up in a court of law if you said that the lead to the information was psychic or intuitive? The cross examiner will likely throw all the mud there is at the psychic or intuitive and what do you do?

It reminds me of the series Medium, where Alison DuBois has been subpoenaed to appear in court and she is advised NOT to tell how she knew where the murder weapon was, because the search warrant could not be granted on the bases of a dream, Devalos had to be creative. Her statement would be she received an anonymous tip. If she was to tell the truth, he’d loose his job and she would be ridiculed in court. If she was to lie, she would commit a crime of perjury. How sad is that! The truth cannot be told, because of public opinion.

In the series Alison used her talent to defend herself, by letting the cross examiner know she knew all about the ‘crimes’ he committed and she was going to expose him, if he would expose her. He suddenly had no further questions.
It is still where we stand today and it seems nothing much will change overnight.

I am very grateful for people like Alison, who show the public, that being psychic or a medium can put you in an awkward position. That there really is no law or procedure for these things! Of course you cannot just get a warrant on the bases of someone’s dream, there has to be good reason for it.

And I believe if someone has provided the authorities with pretty accurate information for so long, it should be seriously considered to be a valid request. Unfortunately since there is not to be any official record of her psychic talents, it cannot be checked.

Again we are back at the beginning of a vicious circle.
It is all hush, hush and the truth stays behind doors.


Controversial Case

Lately I have been 'sucked into' a very controversial and high profile case here in West Australia. It wasn't my intention to get into this but with so much attention from people around me, it was going to happen sooner or later.

A TV producer asked my partner to do an RV session and since he doesn't like to be 'front loaded' I agreed to mediate between the TV producer and him. I would set up the correct cues and have them confirmed as valid, unambiguous, concise cues by two experts in the field. It was agreed that there would be no payment for the efforts, but there would be filming and a mention of Remote Viewing at a big event in Perth.

As soon as I had been told what the case was about, I realized it was something he had been working on for years. He even asked my 'psychic / intuitive' opinion on this case after taking me to a location. Since I am new to Australia, I didn't know much about it. I did get several impressions that did not make any sense to me.

He was SMS-ed the Target Reference Numbers by the TV producer and he would do the session. When he goes into his room to do an RV session, I go into mine. I expected to do a practice target. What I didn't know it that he gave me the same numbers that he was supposed to work on that day. Meaning we both did the same Remote Viewing session.

But it did not stop there for me, my Psi took over. Ever since I arrived in WA I had certain bad feelings about places that did not make any sense to me. I try to avoid Millar road, for some reason that road gives me a bad feeling. I hear a certain disturbing song near Anketell Road where the railway line goes under the road. It took me a while to realize that it is the same railway line.

I had seen images and flashes of a girl in a ditch, not far from a railroad track. In this terrible vision her pretty face started to decay rapidly. Her face was dirty with reddish sand and she appeared to have a cut in her face and a broken nose. I could not get rid of this horrible vision and I did not realize it had anything to do with the case I was drawn into.

Who was this poor girl? Did this happen a long time ago or is it going to happen? From the image flashes of the rapid decay I could conclude that it could have happened a long time ago. But with these visions, time is rarely indicated. It is all just one big puzzle that doesn't make any sense, until there are facts and evidence to support it. It could have happened or it may happen in the future. At that time I could not tell.

My partner and I got an invitation to the Psychic Taskforce show at Burswood in Perth. Without him knowing (because he only got the two sets of four digit numbers) he had been tasked with the Sarah Spiers case. Who was likely the victim of the Claremont Serial Killer. I did not know much about the rest of the cases, until Psychic Taskforce.

I started to feel that the 'image' I had perceived months before, could well be related to these cases, but I wasn't sure, until after the Psychic Taskforce show. I looked into the cases online and at the places where these poor girl’s bodies were found.

One of the girls was found not far from a railway line in Wellard (Yes the same railway line that passes Anketell Road and runs along Millar Road) her body was found in a ditch at Woolcott Road and the road at that time was partially gravel, which would explain the reddish dirt on her face in my vision.
I realized that the poor girl in my vision was Jane Rimmer. I somehow picked up on what had happened and had a vision of where she was. Unfortunately it was not good enough to lead me directly to her or any of the other girls who are still missing.

I started to realize the crossing of the railway line at Anketell Road and Millar Road are very likely the route the perpetrator must have taken, since the Freeway wasn’t there at that time. It could explain my bad feelings about these places.
More and more vague ‘hunches’ and images I could not place are starting to make sense. I don’t know if it will ever be enough to report to the police. Many of the things from my visions are already known to them. It is no use bothering them with things they could have found out themselves.
But I do get impressions that are not listed anywhere (and will not be listed here) and if they are just as correct as the rest that is confirmed...It might help them a step further in the process.

I hope that having these nightmares are good for something, because I’m getting sick of tuning into the horrors of life without being able to contribute to something positive. That is so frustrating!

And for some of those who wonder....I am NOT doing this for money, fame or fortune! It just happens to me or it doesn’t! I would just like to do something positive, with something that is mostly hell for me and has been disrupting my life for a long time! I do not always get to choose what I see. And I do not know everything! Boy, I wish I did!

When I can I try and help people. I do not hold the illusion I can actually provide the information that will lead to the perpetrator or to the missing girls.
I do know that the images I see and the things I hear, may not make any sense to me, but once the images fall in to place they usually give pretty good directions and clues to the people who can and are allowed to use them.


It has been a while

It has been a while...but I am still doing RV sessions as a cure for untamable Psi...And it works very well! Now I guess it helps that I have accepted my Psi abilities.

Reading lots of books about the subject. Sparring with my new life partner who is a Remote Viewer too and has been practising this for quite some time now. Having 'energy battles' with a pin wheel (A piece of aluminium foil balanced on a thumb tag)that is great fun! And discussing the practical use of RV in real life.

Now I hate to have nightmares...especially when they turn out to be true and I do not encounter these things as long as I keep RV-ing simple targets. Why would I go and look for things that could shake me up again emotionally. But then what other purposes can it be used for then solving crimes and finding missing people.

Obviously I have to use this skill...but without the emotions attached to it...that at times scare the S... out of me! Confirmation can be great fun when you ' hit a simple picture target' but when it comes to real serious cases it is still freaking me out!


Bio Energy

I went to the bio-photon treatment facility for the second time last week. The lady who was at first a bit suspicious of me, concerning my psi-abilities, was now a bit more relaxed. She tested again my bio-photon emission, and was very surprised by the results.

She said to me, do you know you can do exactly what this machine does now? If these readings are correct. You have the ability to heal people! That is rare! I hardly ever encounter readings like that. She asked me if I still wanted the bio-photon energy. I said... Sure..it feels good! While the computer was sending this light through my hands...I was looking at this lady...thinking... I like you!

Suddenly she noticed a tinkling sensation in her stomache and it was crawling up to her throat, then to her head. She said to me: Are you doing that? I just asked her back: Do you like the feeling?

She awnsered yes! And as she tried to find words to describe it. I said: Feels like strong fresh mints! Exactly! she said! Almost a cold breeze...but not unpleasant...weird though!

At the end of the session she gave me a big hug, and thanked me. Instantly I was not a patient anymore, but a long lost friend! I was wondering why...it was her equipment that helped me improve my balance. And I gave her something in return! Just positive energy!
She was suddenly very happy and cheerfull!

"Who helps the docter?"


Lucid Dream or Nightmare...Continued 2

I have been in the area where my earlier nightmare actually took place. I located two spots that were also connected to this dream. I went to the police station in that district and told them what had happend to me earlier and that I might be able to tell them more about this. They asked me for a full report with all details, and I have sent it to them. Since it's a police case now, I have to leave it at this for now. The police were very kind, and asked if they could contact me if needed. I agreed on that.


Lucid Dream or Nightmare - Continued

One night about two years ago I had a very strange dream. I was in a village standing on the sidewalk looking accros the street there was a white/grey house behind a green hague, and a fence of iron bars. As I crossed the street... voice inside me told me I was going to the house of a serial killer. I thought...it had to be something like a museum-house of a Jack the Ripper figure.
I walked toward a gate that was opened. And followed a stone path in the garden. The path bowed to the right. On both sides there was beautyfull green grass. And the house had a side entrance, with a stone/concete step. I walked in...but the house was empty. There was a small hall before entering the livingroom. In the hall there were tiles and the livingroom had a wooden floor. Suddenly it got very dark, and a blue light lit up blood stains. I got scared. And walked out to the hall. Suddenly there were two pairs of green rubber boots. I turned around and looked at the livingroom...suddenly all the furniture was there. Carpets on the floor, sofa and chairs...everything! Like a family lived there. It freaked me out! And I went back to the garden.

A young looking man with dark eyes and curly hair was mowing the lawn on my right. He looked at me like I was an intruder and like he wanted to tell me I should not tell this to anyone. As I looked to my left, there was a grave like hole dug in the green gras. I speeded up my pase, trying not to run... And outside the gate I started looking for a busstop or trainstation. (Strange I have a car in real life...I hardly ever use public transport.) I started running up the street quite desperate, and came to a wall of a monestary. It seemed an endless wall! I got the feeling there would be a swimmingpool nearby. But I got lost running in to this hughe forrest! Then I woke up. With the feeling like I was running from a serial killer, my heart pounded... It was just a nightmare. I told my husband about this strange dream and left it for what is was... a nightmare.

Two weeks later...I completely forgot about the dream. I walked indoors to get something to drink and the television is on. Somehow the news caught my attention, hearing a serial killer was arrested. I looked up and saw the house on the television, in that street. This serial killer worked as a forester and gardener. He picked up victims (young girls) at bus stations and trainstations, one of the girls was in a convent-school (monestary).

I stood there as nailed to the ground! My nightmare, was not just a nightmare...It was real!
It was his house that I had seen! I had been there in my dreams! And this man claimed, on television, he was even worse than the famous killer of his country! He wanted to be like a "Jack the Ripper" kind of person! It realy freaked me out! But one thing was wrong...he was not the young gardner that I had seen. And there were two pair of green rubber boots there...

I called out to my husband. He saw me shaking all over. And asked what was wrong. I told him and he replied I should call the police! I just stood there and said: "And tell them what? That I had a dream about this? That's insane! And how do I explain I know all these things when I was not even there? Police use common sense! And there is no way to explain this with common sense! It would at the least make me suspicious!" But my husband replied: "You have an aliby! This happened 300km away! And everyone here can confirm you haven't left this area!

I was not convinced! And very scared and confused about this all! My husband kept telling me to get this of my chest. After nine months I was ready to give an anonymous tip to the police.
Not knowing if it was going to be a waistbin file or not, because it wasn't in my country.
Atleast I had done something...but was it enough?

Tomorrow I'll start on a journey, to the country where this nightmare actually took place. I will attempt to find the house and check if I can find out some more about this. I'm not sure where it will lead me. I know the connections between me and the dream is the victims profile. When I was their age...I was alot like them! Especially one girl's profile matches with me. That is the only connection I've got.
I do not have an address of the place. I've got a vague clue about the town, but I'm not sure. Hopefully I'll get some awnsers on why I had the dream, and what I'm supposed to do with it. I feel strong enough for this confrontation, but it also feels like going to a "war-zone". Not really something you look forward to. And not knowing what to expect.