
It has been a while

It has been a while...but I am still doing RV sessions as a cure for untamable Psi...And it works very well! Now I guess it helps that I have accepted my Psi abilities.

Reading lots of books about the subject. Sparring with my new life partner who is a Remote Viewer too and has been practising this for quite some time now. Having 'energy battles' with a pin wheel (A piece of aluminium foil balanced on a thumb tag)that is great fun! And discussing the practical use of RV in real life.

Now I hate to have nightmares...especially when they turn out to be true and I do not encounter these things as long as I keep RV-ing simple targets. Why would I go and look for things that could shake me up again emotionally. But then what other purposes can it be used for then solving crimes and finding missing people.

Obviously I have to use this skill...but without the emotions attached to it...that at times scare the S... out of me! Confirmation can be great fun when you ' hit a simple picture target' but when it comes to real serious cases it is still freaking me out!


Anonymous said...

hello psyforce, just had a dip into your blog here - i can totally relate to your 'untameable psi' issues

exactly the same reason i do rv sessions

i couldnt call what i do rv though as i dont use any controls and ive never trained but i do the sessions nonetheless on the psychic level

keep blogging!


PJ said...

I think if you have a very clear alibi regarding your whereabouts and it's totally in another country; and if you have an established public record of being involved in psychic work; then these things might help a bit concerning things reported to the police. Also, if you record them in a very reasonable, well-written manner. I have often gotten away with saying amazing and even pretty crazy things, solely because I did it in such a reasonable way. Sometimes how you present things is more important than the content of what you present.I do think it's important to find a way to vent that energy because bottling it up inside doesn't seem real healthy either.