
Controversial Case

Lately I have been 'sucked into' a very controversial and high profile case here in West Australia. It wasn't my intention to get into this but with so much attention from people around me, it was going to happen sooner or later.

A TV producer asked my partner to do an RV session and since he doesn't like to be 'front loaded' I agreed to mediate between the TV producer and him. I would set up the correct cues and have them confirmed as valid, unambiguous, concise cues by two experts in the field. It was agreed that there would be no payment for the efforts, but there would be filming and a mention of Remote Viewing at a big event in Perth.

As soon as I had been told what the case was about, I realized it was something he had been working on for years. He even asked my 'psychic / intuitive' opinion on this case after taking me to a location. Since I am new to Australia, I didn't know much about it. I did get several impressions that did not make any sense to me.

He was SMS-ed the Target Reference Numbers by the TV producer and he would do the session. When he goes into his room to do an RV session, I go into mine. I expected to do a practice target. What I didn't know it that he gave me the same numbers that he was supposed to work on that day. Meaning we both did the same Remote Viewing session.

But it did not stop there for me, my Psi took over. Ever since I arrived in WA I had certain bad feelings about places that did not make any sense to me. I try to avoid Millar road, for some reason that road gives me a bad feeling. I hear a certain disturbing song near Anketell Road where the railway line goes under the road. It took me a while to realize that it is the same railway line.

I had seen images and flashes of a girl in a ditch, not far from a railroad track. In this terrible vision her pretty face started to decay rapidly. Her face was dirty with reddish sand and she appeared to have a cut in her face and a broken nose. I could not get rid of this horrible vision and I did not realize it had anything to do with the case I was drawn into.

Who was this poor girl? Did this happen a long time ago or is it going to happen? From the image flashes of the rapid decay I could conclude that it could have happened a long time ago. But with these visions, time is rarely indicated. It is all just one big puzzle that doesn't make any sense, until there are facts and evidence to support it. It could have happened or it may happen in the future. At that time I could not tell.

My partner and I got an invitation to the Psychic Taskforce show at Burswood in Perth. Without him knowing (because he only got the two sets of four digit numbers) he had been tasked with the Sarah Spiers case. Who was likely the victim of the Claremont Serial Killer. I did not know much about the rest of the cases, until Psychic Taskforce.

I started to feel that the 'image' I had perceived months before, could well be related to these cases, but I wasn't sure, until after the Psychic Taskforce show. I looked into the cases online and at the places where these poor girl’s bodies were found.

One of the girls was found not far from a railway line in Wellard (Yes the same railway line that passes Anketell Road and runs along Millar Road) her body was found in a ditch at Woolcott Road and the road at that time was partially gravel, which would explain the reddish dirt on her face in my vision.
I realized that the poor girl in my vision was Jane Rimmer. I somehow picked up on what had happened and had a vision of where she was. Unfortunately it was not good enough to lead me directly to her or any of the other girls who are still missing.

I started to realize the crossing of the railway line at Anketell Road and Millar Road are very likely the route the perpetrator must have taken, since the Freeway wasn’t there at that time. It could explain my bad feelings about these places.
More and more vague ‘hunches’ and images I could not place are starting to make sense. I don’t know if it will ever be enough to report to the police. Many of the things from my visions are already known to them. It is no use bothering them with things they could have found out themselves.
But I do get impressions that are not listed anywhere (and will not be listed here) and if they are just as correct as the rest that is confirmed...It might help them a step further in the process.

I hope that having these nightmares are good for something, because I’m getting sick of tuning into the horrors of life without being able to contribute to something positive. That is so frustrating!

And for some of those who wonder....I am NOT doing this for money, fame or fortune! It just happens to me or it doesn’t! I would just like to do something positive, with something that is mostly hell for me and has been disrupting my life for a long time! I do not always get to choose what I see. And I do not know everything! Boy, I wish I did!

When I can I try and help people. I do not hold the illusion I can actually provide the information that will lead to the perpetrator or to the missing girls.
I do know that the images I see and the things I hear, may not make any sense to me, but once the images fall in to place they usually give pretty good directions and clues to the people who can and are allowed to use them.


Anonymous said...

I had a real bad feeling re Johnston & Millar road years ago when i tuned into the case. This was before the victims were found. I woffled on re a lake north of there but i think i am wrong. The north /south ditch just west of Johnston/Millar roads needs to have divers go thru it i think. Incld where the ditch goes sth under the road & rail roads.I think Sarah Spiers is in water @ maybe there. Dr.Phibes.

Anonymous said...

I believe the Police divers need to search the stormwater drain/creek north & south of the two bridges on Millar Rd 50 metres west of Johnson Rd. It always seems to have water in it. Can be deepish in spots & you cannot leap across it. I always felt bad at that spot on Millar Rd between Wellard Rd & Johnson Rd. & this was before Jane Rimmer was found. Dunno how Anketell Rd comes into this for you. It`s a fair distance away. Dr.Phibes.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe what I'm reading. Infact this is the first time I have tried to search my image on the net and now i have found this. I too have had images of red dirt, but red pebbles, you know that red dirt dusty pebble, but this happened when Sarah went missing. I feel realy strongly about this. I always thought it was going to be easy to find her. I did not know about the way Jane was found I see Sarah off a road or a track quite almost next to it. My feelings was always kalamunda and a truck driver. This feeling to me was not a ?? but it was a knowing. I have only expressed this to family but glad I can vent this somewhere.