
Remote Viewing

Through my interest on the psi-subject and the search for awnsers, I came across an amazing Remote Viewing website and community. At first it appeared to me, there was little difference between spontaneous Extra Sensory Perception and Remote Viewing. But as a newbee, it was clearly explained to me that there is a huge difference!

RV (Remote Viewing) is always double blind. No person knows what the target is, and so it is excluded that the information could have been obtained by any means than ESP. I then argued...but most of the time I do not know what my spontaneous ESP brings me...still I see things that later are confirmed. That is simmilar to RV, isn't it? Still it was not RV, because I had no intention of seeing things! With RV it is about intentional Viewing a Remote and unknown target! Besides RV-ing is done within a Protocol.

And what if I tried RV? Would my spontaneous psi get worse? Or would I be able to control it by practice? None of the RV-er could awnser that question. Some stated, that they became more sensitive after a lot of practice.

I decided I had nothing to loose, and gave it a try! But where do you start...if you have got nothing to start with? No clue, no indication, no nothing! Well...exactly...you start completely empty! At first I seemed pretty good at it. The so called "beginners luck!". But after a while I noticed, I wasn't the complete "blank sheet" anymore! Memories of the feedback of previous targets started to interfere! Then something changed. I started to describe not the actual target, but the next target I would get! A precognitive RV-session! After five times in a row viewing the next target...I guessed...I allready knew the data for the sixth target and that was my description of the fifth target! I proved to be correct!

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