
Lucid Dream or Nightmare

One night about two years ago I had a very strange dream. I was in a village standing on the sidewalk looking accros the street there was a white/grey house behind a green hague, and a fence of iron bars. As I crossed the street... voice inside me told me I was going to the house of a serial killer. I thought...it had to be something like a museum-house of a Jack the Ripper figure.
I walked toward a gate that was opened. And followed a stone path in the garden. The path bowed to the right. On both sides there was beautyfull green grass. And the house had a side entrance, with a stone/concete step. I walked in...but the house was empty. There was a small hall before entering the livingroom. In the hall there were tiles and the livingroom had a wooden floor. Suddenly it got very dark, and a blue light lit up blood stains. I got scared. And walked out to the hall. Suddenly there were two pairs of green rubber boots. I turned around and looked at the livingroom...suddenly all the furniture was there. Carpets on the floor, sofa and chairs...everything! Like a family lived there. It freaked me out! And I went back to the garden.

A young looking man with dark eyes and curly hair was mowing the lawn on my right. He looked at me like I was an intruder and like he wanted to tell me I should not tell this to anyone. As I looked to my left, there was a grave like hole dug in the green gras. I speeded up my pase, trying not to run... And outside the gate I started looking for a busstop or trainstation. (Strange I have a car in real life...I hardly ever use public transport.) I started running up the street quite desperate, and came to a wall of a monestary. It seemed an endless wall! I got the feeling there would be a swimmingpool nearby. But I got lost running in to this hughe forrest! Then I woke up. With the feeling like I was running from a serial killer, my heart pounded... It was just a nightmare. I told my husband about this strange dream and left it for what is was... a nightmare.

Two weeks later...I completely forgot about the dream. I walked indoors to get something to drink and the television is on. Somehow the news caught my attention, hearing a serial killer was arrested. I looked up and saw the house on the television, in that street. This serial killer worked as a forester and gardener. He picked up victims (young girls) at bus stations and trainstations, one of the girls was in a convent-school (monestary).

I stood there as nailed to the ground! My nightmare, was not just a nightmare...It was real!
It was his house that I had seen! I had been there in my dreams! And this man claimed, on television, he was even worse than the famous killer of his country! He wanted to be like a "Jack the Ripper" kind of person! It realy freaked me out! But one thing was wrong...he was not the young gardner that I had seen. And there were two pair of green rubber boots there...

I called out to my husband. He saw me shaking all over. And asked what was wrong. I told him and he replied I should call the police! I just stood there and said: "And tell them what? That I had a dream about this? That's insane! And how do I explain I know all these things when I was not even there? Police use common sense! And there is no way to explain this with common sense! It would at the least make me suspicious!" But my husband replied: "You have an aliby! This happened 300km away! And everyone here can confirm you haven't left this area!

I was not convinced! And very scared and confused about this all! My husband kept telling me to get this of my chest. After nine months I was ready to give an anonymous tip to the police.
Not knowing if it was going to be a waistbin file or not, because it wasn't in my country.
Atleast I had done something...but was it enough?

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