
Premonition - Knowing what's to come

Premonition sounds very interesting...it could help you to prevent bad things from happening! That's the fairytale part. Where heroes and prophets can always prevent the worse thing from happening. Realistic is...it doesn't always work that way!

One day, I went to work just like every other day of the week. I had to start at 6 in the morning and I arrived about ten to six, as usual. Parked my car and walked over to the office building. The entrance was right on the corner of the street. As I walked there...I felt a chill...and sick to my stomach. That sick feeling disappeared as quicky as it came and I continued the day as usual. Looking around the office I got this very depressed feeling, like all of my collegues were in a down state of mind. I tried to ignore that feeling, but it stayed. Then I got this strange feeling that: One of my collegues wife had just died. That was a crazy idea, because as far as I knew none of them had serious health problems. Then I got this feeling that another collegue could walk in the office any moment to tell that this women had died. I was very restless and realy wanted to get some fresh air. Work did not allow it, so I continued...

Two hours later. We all had just had a ten minute coffee break, and went back to work as one of my collegues walked in the office looking all pale! He told us that a women with her child on a bike, were overlooked by a truckdriver and he accidentally run them over. This was on the streetcorner in front of the entrance of the building! The women died in my collegues arms as he tried to give her first aid, until the ambulance arrived. Her baby-child had mild injuries.

I felt sick to my stumach again, feezing cold and shaking all over. All the signs were there and I could not have prevented this?
If instead of having coffee, I would have gone outside to get some fresh air...would I have been able to save this women? All confused and shocked by this event...I locked myself in the toiletroom to think! Blaming myself for not listening to my feelings. I felt as a victim of all this premonition crap!

But I had to get real: I was not the victim here! The women, the child, the truckdriver and my collegue who helped were all victims! I was not! Who am I to think that I can prevent everything with these premonitions? I'm not some kind of super-hero! Who do I think I am? Not everything in life is just up to me! But I did realize...thoughts can have infuence on reality.
Could it be partually my fault this had happend? I was thinking about my collegue walking in and telling someone's wife had just died. And there was...a collective down feeling that day!

All office personel were going to take a look. And as I finnaly came to my senses again, and went back to the office, one of my collegues said: "Aren't you going to take a look?...the ambulance has arrived!" I just replied: "No, I think I've seen enough!"

Up until today...I still wonder...could I have chanced anything? Or was this...no matter how awfull it is...supposed to happen this way?

One thing is for sure...I'll always remember this.

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