
Some call it a gift...

Many people around the world are interested in what they call Paranormal phenomena. Wouldn't it be nice if we could see the future? If we could see or talk to our loved ones after they died? Wouldn't it be nice if we could read peoples minds? Or just dream the outcome of an event...so we don't have to worry in advance! It would be quite handy in some cases! But there are two sides of the coin.

What if you could see the future, or know things you could not have possibly know about a place because you've never been there before? What if you could tell your friend what he or she had been doing last night, without you being around that person. What if you can tell facts about people, that you never met before?
What would you do?

Let me tell you what I did!
I did not take it seriously at first. Just by accident, I knew things...nothing more, nothing less...and that's it. Until I came to the point where I started to doubt this. It was so striking that it couldn't have been just luck or good guessing. It scared me! And not just me! Most of the people around me freaked out too! I had "seen" things about people that I didn't want to know. I had dreams about situations that turned out to be very real! These things had nothing to do with me! And I knew some things in advance, but I was unable to do or change anything!

This so called "gift" costed me some friendships. And it left me confused, scared and frustrated.
Therefor I tried the "denial" strategy...I did not want this, so if I denied it, it might go away!
It did not work at all! After a couple of years, I gave up... If I can't beat this, I might as well make the best of it. I started to read about this subject and talk about my own experiences to others.

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