
Scientific explanations

Although I've had many unusual experiences over the past 19 years , I consider myself a very down to earth person. I believe there must be a logical explanation for, why I keep having lucid dreams, clairvoyance experiences and other strange phenomena. Why do some people "see" these things, while others state it is noncence and they have never experienced anything like that. Some people just seem to be more sensitive/perceptive for these matters than others.

I'm looking for a scientific explanation. And that is a chalange, once you find out that not all scientists are willing to discuss these controversial matters! They simply do not want to burn their reputation on a hot subject. Fortunately there are some brave scientist who are willing to take that risk.

Research on this subject is not an easy task!
The problem is...experiences are hard to define. They require an interpretation and that makes it "subjective". There is no way of mesuring the experience it self. What can be done is...making sure that the information that was obtained, could only be obtained by the means of ESP, in a controled environment, therefor verifying that it was realy ESP.

Yet, there is another problem...there are many forms of ESP. One of them is telepathy...another is intention based telekinesis/psychokinesis. So what is the person doing? Infuencing the outcome with intention? Telepathic reading the mind of the instructor? There are many difficulties to overcome in that field.

We could have an interesting debate with skeptics on this subject. Even the statistical proof could be subject of debate, wether the interpretation of the statistics are correct or not. The best way would be sollid evidence, that can be messured, and doesn't need interpretation.

The fysical cause of the extra sensory perception! That concluding from my own humble observations and experiences, could well be the mirror-neuron.

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