
Telepathy or Claire Voyance?

There are many names for many forms of Extra Sentory Perception.

Extra Sensory Perception is the most save one to use. It covers all forms of sensing that could not have been obtained by our five others senses. Therefor it's often called the sixth-sense.

Telepathy is the connection between (at least) two minds without the use of the other five senses. Therefor it would require a "sender" and a "reciever" person who can not see, hear, feel, smell or taste eachother. Then there is something else defined as mind-reading, although mind-reading doesn't mean the people are nesseseraly apart. And that could result in reading facial expressions and behavioural manners of the sender. So that could be empathy aswell! Because it is not excluded from all the other senses.

Another expression is Claire Voyance...Lituraly "Seeing Clearly" And that doesn't mean you have an excelent eye-sight! It means you can see things that are out of reach of our other five senses. Besides "Seeing Clearly", there are also "Hearing Clearly" and even "Smelling Clearly".
Still the question is how can these experiences be defined?

As a 15 year old, I had an strange experience. I was in the kitchen, filling the dishwasher and I saw this image in my head. My teacher/mentor from school was kicking his car! He was very angry! He was standing on the side of a desolate road, near a ditch. It was a two way road, and on the other side of the ditch were green fields. The next day at school I decided to ask him what happend to his car. He was so surprised. He asked himself how I could have possibly known all this? Was I there? I told him I could not have past by in a car, because we both knew that he was hoping for a car to show up, but there weren't any on that road. I gave an exact description of the location and he did kick his car at the left front tire. I told him the time when I had "seen" this. It was the same time as it actually happend.
I did not have the feeling I was looking though his eyes at the time. More like I was higher than I usualy am, a birds view! His anger might have triggerd me to this place where he was. (Approx. 80 km from where I was at that time!)
Was it telepathy? Or Clair Voyance?

What ever it was...This teacher suddenly wanted to know all about me...and I was not willing to be a guineapig! This whole thing confused me as much as it did him.

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