
Accepting ESP

After years of confusing and frustrating events, denying it and hoping "It would go away!", I found out there was no way to stop these ESP experiences from happening to me.
Neuro Linguistic Programming had little to no effect on stopping this. It did effect the kind of information I got. Meditation only made it worse...Psychology didn't give me any awnsers. Finally... I got tired of denying it, resisting it, fighting it and hiding it!

Despite the fact that I do not always like what I get to see, I decided that it's no different than "real life". Were people, may not always hear and see things they like. Perhaps in "real life" there is an easier way to try to avoid these confrontations (don't go and walk through dark alleys..if you can avoid it..for instance). Nevertheless...I had to learn and live with it.
It still frustrates me that I don't have a choice! That makes me determent to find the cause of this!

Once someome remarked: "It's not a gift, because anyone can learn how to use that sixth sense!" I agree on the last part of that...people who never experienced anything might be able to learn. But some people are just born with it...they can not "return this gift to sender!" They don't have that choice!

It's like giving a child a knife, without teaching it how to handle it. The knife can be a great tool...once you know what to do with it and how to handle it! If not...you just end up accidentally hurting yourself and others! Making it a terrible thing!

But still ...there is no manual on how to handle ESP-experiences. I was waving around this tool...not knowing what to do with it... accidentally causing harm to myself and other people.
A painfull way to learn..what you shouldn't do!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I got here via your Childpastlives post.
I've had close experiences with ESP (I don't really have it but know people with it). As you say, there isn't a manual -as far as I know. However, there are tips to handle it, usually transmitted through oral tradition in societies that value it as a tool. One must be careful, though, because even in these societies this knowledge tends to be kept from the general public. Take Mexico for instance. At the beginning people are all "Of course I don't believe in that hogwash!" Insist a little and you'll end up hearing all sorts of personal experiences and referred to the closest local psychic. This local psychic might have gotten the tips on how to handle their gift from their family, or from a "school": groups of gifted people and practitioners of all sorts of paranormal stuff. The groups tend to be handled as sects, businesses, or both. The family tradition people tend to be less self serving.
Here are a few tips I've either read or heard from psychics:
1) Don't let "entities" piggy back on your energy. Develop a feeling of your own energies and stake a claim on them.
2) When accosted by entities (poltergeist like manifestations, etc.), kick them out. The physical plane is yours to handle, not theirs and the same goes for your mind. Kicking them out might require shouting orders or, in extreme cases, cutting the air with a sharp metal object.
3) Don't be afraid. It makes you lose control of your own energies, and entities might take advantage of them. You have to trust that if you have this gift it's because it was the right thing for yourself, just like some are born with a gift for music because of all their past lives and because it was the right time for them to experience it.
Best wishes,

Psyforce said...

Hi Recycling,
Thank you for the tips! There are indeed some cultures that have their opinion on what you should or should not do. But most of the information is not complete...and will therefor only work for those with the complete knowledge and training. Many techniques are covered under a sheet of mystical dust, that "ordenary" people don't understand.

Judging from my own experience...I think there must be a logical explanation on why some things seem to work realy well, while other things seem to fail.

I hope to find out what is causing this all, and I'm still learning how to deal with it.

One thing is for sure...
Being carefull...is wise...Being affraid ...is not!

Anonymous said...

I stay away from the word gift. It is a fine tuned ability that some are born to develop and some not to develop, yes, everyone has the capability.
I have often wondered about those who say they don't like having this ability, maybe I can't conceive of not having it. It's hard work if applied professionally, and frustrating at times, but never a dull moment!
I have never had trouble with "entities", I "own" my mind, my thoughts, and my abilities.

Psyforce said...

"a fine tuned ability that some are born to develop"
That's a good description.
And I also believe I "own" my mind, my thoughts and abilities...Yet it doesn't mean I have the ability to control them at all times. Thoughts dwell...at times, my mind can not alway comprehend the things I experience...and there is no manual that teaches me to control the ability that I seem to have.

It doesn't mean I'm not learning! On the contrary...I'm learning a lot! But the learning proces inevitable means making mistakes.